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Interviews with Atava on herbal medicine, curanderismo, ancestral medicine and more!

Visit our YouTube channel for more videos!

"Healer heal thyself" Interview by Delievery Rank.
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Interviewed by MysticMag.png

"Self-care is a Revolutionary Act"Book excerpt published in Ofrenda Magazine

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Curanderx Toolkit Book Release Ceremonia y Platica
Sol Collective, Sacramento
July 19, 2022


Click image to watch.


Biz Bruja Podcast 
July 15, 2022


Click image to listen

The Alchemist's Kitchen

November 15, 2019

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Click image to read.

Medicine Stories Podcast

February 28, 2019

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Click image to listen.

"Self Care as a Political Act"
 East Bay Express, August 1, 2018

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Click image to read.


"Indigenous Mind, Remembering Who We Are"
A film by Heidi Corning

Much of the vision of Ancestral Apothecary is inspired and informed by my experience in the Indigenous Mind Program.  As the founder of Ancestral Apothecary, I, Atava Garcia Swiecicki, received a graduate degree from  from Naropa University in the Indigenous Mind Program in 2003.  The Indigenous Mind Program focuses on reconnecting to one’s indigenous ancestors, no matter what their cultural or ethnic background.  The program was founded by Dr. Apela Colorado, who also is the founder of the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network.


Heidi Corning, of White Tigress Ancestry, was also a student in the Indigenous Mind Program and created a short film to document the process of the Indigenous Mind students and they reconnected to their ancestral ways of knowing.

"Restoring Health, Childbirth and Independence from Industrialized Medicine"
Earth Skills Training from Movement Generation

"A Mexican Folk Remedy for a Broken Heart"
KQED’s California Report


Click image to listen.



"Embracing the Elements of Curanderismo"
Making Contact Radio, 7/8/2014


Click image to listen.

“Plants as our Ancestors"
Bespoken Bones Podcast, 8/17/17

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Click image to listen.

Services available in person and online.
Atava Garcia Swiecicki, MA, RH (AHG)

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